December 2008 Archives

Ho, Ho, Ho... Bah Humbug!

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So it's the holiday season and all through the house are people wrapping technology... cameras, ipods, blackberrys, PCs, TVs, Microwaves, Roombas, and all.

It's Magic!

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You've seen the ads that tell you to get rid of your regular phone line with all of it's costs and get yourself a Magicjack.
So does it work?

What's your blood type?

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Recently in discussing the recession and trying to think about why the business of creating custom software does so well during times of recession. I thought about how having a piece of software is like having a blood type.
When Amazon announced it's Kindle electronic book reader I was excited. It seemed a step up from the Sony Book Reader. But quickly I discovered that wasn't so.
Recently I was asked, "Looking at the holiday ads, I ran across various ads for combination printer/scanner/copier/fax, and printer/scanner/copier, and so on - ranging up to $100.  I also found an ad for a printer/scanner copier for $29, and a fax for $10 (marked down from $60).

We don't need  a printer, but the other features would be handy.  Do you have any suggestions?"


Yep. I do.


More on "Cyber Security"

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The panel says, "For the past 20 years, the United States has struggled unsuccessfully to devise a strategy to counter these new kinds of threats..." and I just wonder how we can consider, in this era, something that has existed for "20 years" as new.

Uh, it's not new. It is true the government has not dealt well with the issue and I suspect the problem falls mainly into the political arena.

I planned to make this my first entry but when I saw this Cyber Security Czar stuff I just had to comment.
Again... welcome!

Are they nuts?

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Today, the New York Times reports that a panel recommends restricting Internet access as a way to boost Internet security. You might think this is the recommendation of some far-out nut-job panel but, in fact, it is the recommendation of Center for Strategic and International Studies. Read it yourself:
A government that has a much trouble as ours is now going to decide who can access the Internet and, more importantly, who cannot access the Internet? I don't think so!
I'm for Internet security but this is hardly the way to go about it. My reading of it is that they want to prevent anonymous access to the Internet but it seems to me that will only lead to more opportunity to watch what people do. I suspect it could turn into an easy way to track groups who wish to express dissent with government policies.
I could be wrong. What do you think?

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This page is an archive of entries from December 2008 listed from newest to oldest.

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