Kindling the Sony Book Reader

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When Amazon announced it's Kindle electronic book reader I was excited. It seemed a step up from the Sony Book Reader. But quickly I discovered that wasn't so.
Both the Sony Book Reader and the Kindle apparently use the same screen. The difference is in other functionality. The Kindle has a keyboard and lets you make notes in the electronic books. That's a nice feature. The Sony Reader doesn't have this feature although their next version is supposed to.
There is one feature though that kills the Kindle for me. The way you get books into it is via their wifi / internet service so if Amazon should get bored or the Kindle actually fails in the marketplace all those Kindles out there will stop being able to obtain new books.
The Sony Reader on the other hand connects to your computer via a usb cable. Then using the eBook Library software you can download stuff to the reader. For example I downloaded a bunch of my PDF files to it so that I always have them with me.
For me that's THE feature!
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This page contains a single entry by Drew Bourrut published on December 10, 2008 6:06 PM.

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