What's your blood type?

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Recently in discussing the recession and trying to think about why the business of creating custom software does so well during times of recession. I thought about how having a piece of software is like having a blood type.
Consider word processing. A few of the most popular ones are Word, WordPerfect, and Open Office. Each will do the job but for certain task we find one better than the other. For example, when I need to use parallel columns I always use WordPerfect.

Some years ago I was asked to provide accounting software for a company. In speaking with the owners it became very clear to me that they did not need accounting software. Sure, they needed to do invoicing, process orders, and handle receivables but when we talked about what they did it became clear that they spent most of their time marketing their business to home owners by phone.

We created software that made it easy for them to decide who to call and when. We created software that made it easy for them to have all the facts about a customer at their finger tips so that when on the phone they would spend all their time selling and not trying to find the information they needed.

In hard times having the wrong software can be like having a transfusion of the wrong blood type. It can kill you.

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