Is there a good anti-virus solution out there?

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For years I've believed in AVG from Grisoft. Great anti-virus software except for when it isn't. I'll explain. Recently AVG software has been really persistent about wanting to install the Yahoo toolbar which I don't want, don't use, don't like. So I say no. Yet at some point I always end up with it. Arggh!

Then there is the issue of my remote control software. I support people using a product called Remote Helpdesk-- a great product. But it appears to get blocked periodically by AVG. And then there is RADMIN which we use to remote into our client's machines and which they use to work on their office machines from home. Another piece of great software which AVG vigorously blocks regardless of what you tell it to do.

So it was time to look for something else.
What I settled on was Vipre from Sunbelt Software. Vipre is quite vigilant and has found some suspect software on my machine that AVG appears to have missed. That's to the good. It also plays nice. Once you tell it to leave alone a program it will no longer try to quarantine it. Which is also to the good. So far the only negative is the annoying message that reports each morning how the scan went even when there is nothing to report. I wish I could make that go away.

I asked a colleague what software he used and he said NOD32. I have no recent experience with it. I wonder what others find good?

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This page contains a single entry by Drew Bourrut published on July 21, 2009 9:23 AM.

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