Recently we moved our home phone from Verizon to Ooma and what a difference. Verizon epitomizes the old way... landline, traditional phone service, expensive. Ooma, like Vonage, and others shows us the new way... internet based (Voice Over Internet Protocol), inexpensive, non-traditional, and feature-rich.
We chose Ooma over Vonage for two reasons:
I particularly like the many features including having both your cell phone and home phone ring when receiving a call. This makes receiving calls on the road a snap
Do you have .experience with VOIP? Tell me what you think.
- We had a Vonage line for several years and they never managed to be able to transfer our home number to their service.
- Ooma seemed better (I don't insist it is).
I particularly like the many features including having both your cell phone and home phone ring when receiving a call. This makes receiving calls on the road a snap
Do you have .experience with VOIP? Tell me what you think.
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