Websites: Discounted and Beta Software

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There are several sites that may be of interest to those who want to save money on software. Know anyone like that?<g>
  • - This site offers free software everyday. Some recent (as of this posting) offers are: Youtube Music Downloader, Quicksys Regcleaner 2009, Magical File Shield 1.0. The reason they are free? Advertising. The manufacturers want people to look at their software so they will offer it free for one day. If you download it and install it that day, it's free to you. As you use it perhaps you'll tell others and they'll buy a copy.

  • - This site works like Giveawayoftheday except here the software is not free but often heavily discounted. Some recent (as of this posting) offers are: Easy PC Texting 2.3 (50% 0ff), SimpleDB Explorer (43% Off), WinUtilities (51% Off). 

  • - This site is different. It offers beta versions of software. Some software is free and some is shareware. I mention it here because while it is different from the other two it is a great resource for the latest beta versions of programs you'll want to use.
Do you have favorite sites? Let me know.

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This page contains a single entry by Drew Bourrut published on March 1, 2009 2:33 PM.

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